My CQ received by
My CQ received by
SSB QSO between ON5GS and SM5DGX
EME test
SSB and CW own echo
Very good own ssb and cw echo 20210523
SSB own echo
Very good own ssb echo
SM5DGX own echo from the moon 8 m dish 400W
Own CW echo
Own ecco from the moon just after I put up the dish
Senaste kommentaren
Hi Arnfried
I am on holliday in Thailand to 5 of december, I will shipp it as soon as possiblen then.
73and have a nice day
hello Anders, for building of 1296-PA i would like to buy: 2 pieces of RoTC350-pcbs and 6 pieces of 12pF-atc100/800R hiq-capacitors. Pse tell me the cost incl shipping, 73s og ha det, Arnfried, DL1AT
har du 70 cm preamp över till vettigt pris ?
Behöver inte vara allra värsta N eller Sma
Jösses Anders, och jag som tyckte att jag hade storhetsvansinne när jag slängde upp min mast på 40m.
1 ton parabol; respekt...! 73, Eskil-SM5SRR