Most of the net is on the dish.

Soon the netting is complete

Soon the netting is complete

Soon the netting is complete

Now the 24 extra ribs between the existing ones will be mounted soon.

More mounting of the dish

Now it looks better when the rim is in place.
Follows the parabolic form very well.

Now everything is ready to dress the dish with nets.
Works parallel to the tripod, becomes foldable for easy access in case of feed change.

Now ready to put online, chicken mesh with mesh size becomes 13x13 mm.

Netting started

Netting started

Half netted

The dish and my friend Gunnar who helped me with the net (not amateur)

Now just a little bit net is missing

Breathing, done with the netting. But not at all as difficult as everyone has said.
I did it in a way other than cutting into "cake pieces"

I took entire rods of 90 cm width, then saves the stay edge made of coarser thread, becomes more durable